Balls To Africa
Balls to Africa collect second hand sports balls and kits from individuals, clubs and schools and distribute them to orphanages & other amazing projects in Africa. Over the past two years they’ve sent over 500 football, rugby & cricket balls to great causes.
When asked to help with the website, we were delighted to offer our services as contribution to this fantastic cause. Every year we continue to host and update the website for free.
Brand Colors
The colours for the website had to follow the earthy feel of Africa.
The deep reds and browns depicting the dry landscapes and the light yellows the desert savannahs.
The deep reds and browns depicting the dry landscapes and the light yellows the desert savannahs.
Falu Red
Sandy Beach
Website design and build
The website build was an enjoyable one knowing that we were just part of something that will be making a difference to children that are missing out on basic sporting goods that is so fundamental in the physical and mental health.
If you are affiliated with any sports clubs, balls to Africa will be delighted to hear from you.